Hi there! Today I’m sharing this project over on the My Favorite Things YouTube channel. I customized this card for a 17th birthday using the Pumped-Up Numbers Die-namics. For the card & road I used the Carpool & On the Road Die-namics.
I embossed the “HB2U” from Little Birthday Notes on the license plate and added the cute bear from Better Together. You can watch the video HERE! Thanks so much for stopping by!

Maureen Reiss
December 28, 2020 at 4:40 pmAdorable card!!!
Suzi Metcalfe
December 28, 2020 at 8:32 pmThis card is way fun! Looks like it would be fun to make, too! Thanks for sharing! Happy Birthday to the Bassen kiddos!
Hamutal Shafrir
December 29, 2020 at 1:10 pmHow adorable! Lovely colors!
Lori Spitzer
December 30, 2020 at 12:21 amOK, Laura: quick story… When I was a very green (read: young) teacher at a private school in eastern PA, I had, as one of my duties, to transport kids in the community service club to a nursing home weekly. The HS kids played bingo with the older residents. Well, I had to drive a 16-person van (now I would not be able to do that w/o a different license, but these were different times). The school had several vans. One was hard to start and another hard to stop, as I recall. I always opted for the hard to start one b/c I did not want to slide /crash into another car. Well, one day that all the kids felt should have been a snow day (it was not good on the streets, for that I can vouch), we headed over to the nursing home and on the way, as we got near the nursing home, THUNK! – I heard the van get hit by what I figured (wrongly) was a very wet-snow snowball… more like an iceball. So I went around the block in the town where this happened, thinking: “I’m going to stop and call out these kids who are pelting this van w/ snow (ice) balls!!” Went through the same spot on the street again and THUNK! again. But there were no kids. There was no one on the sidewalk, no one in sight at all. I started to wonder what on earth I was hearing. I went around the block AGAIN. By now, we were going to be late to the appointment, and I was more than mildly curious by this time. Here (gulp) it turned out I had hit (twice!) the side mirror of a pickup truck. My big old tank of a van was way more solid and heavy than this pickup was. The mirror was in shards on the ground under his driver’s door. I had to report to the school admin office on a different campus, introduce myself, tell them what I had done. How humbling. Humiliating. The worst part of all (and you don’t know this about me, but I am a spelling bee champ from way back and have been a textbook company proofer, redactor and editor) was that the administrative assistant wrote a note that contained the word “accidently” and I pointed out to her that it was spelled incorrectly. And that this note was coming from A SCHOOL, so it should be spelled right, for cryin’ out loud. She silently rewrote the note and brusquely handed it to me to go put under the pickup’s wiper.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Love the card and will look for the supplies. Love MFT Stamps and other products, too!
Happy New Year – almost! Let’s hope it is a whole heckuva lot better than ’20 has been.
Lori S in PA
p.s. My dad’s bday is in Dec. as was my late aunt’s. My sister, f-in-law and recently-deceased m-i-law all have b-days in Jan. Xmas has been a very big challenge for me $ wise and in terms of stress because of having to have SO many gifts ready at basically one time. And my hubby and I live about 670 mi from my in-laws, so when it’s our year to be there for Xmas (and not heading there on the 26th), I have to have all that ready even earlier!
Angie D Cammack
December 30, 2020 at 9:08 pmOh my heck!! This is just so darn cute!! Thanks for so much awesome inspiration. I adore your videos!!