Hi there! Today I’ve got a super simple thank you card. My son, Charlie, asked me to make a “not-so-girly” thank you card for his teacher. This is what I came up with and guess what…Charlie loved it!
I used the CZ Design All Caps No. 01 dies with lots of colorful cardstock. For the background I used some old pattern paper that looked like notebook paper, but you can also print your own.
Sometimes the simplest cards end up being my most favorite. When Charlie came home, I asked him, “Did the teacher say anything about your card?” (I always ask that, ha ha) He said, “He did! He said, “Awwww Chuckie! You didn’t have to. Did your mom make this?” Charlie just smiled and said, “Yep!” So funny. Well, that’s all for story time today:) Thanks so much for stopping by!